We are looking for founding sponsors that will help shape the foundation’s future and will make a tangible difference in the lives of many youth players that we look to serve. As a founding sponsor, you will receive prominent recognition both on the Reinhard Family Foundation website, and on an engraved plaque under the donation level that will stay at Ziggy Park forever.
We believe that youth sports play a critical role in building character, promoting healthy lifestyles, and fostering a sense of community.
Founding Sponsor Tiers
- Name Engraved on Wall Plaque Displayed at Field
- Name Engraved on Wall Plaque Displayed at Field
- Name Engraved on Wall Plaque Displayed at Field
- Name Engraved on Wall Plaque Displayed at Field
- Name Engraved on Wall Plaque Displayed at Field
- Name Engraved on Wall Plaque Displayed at Field AND Two-Year Outfield Wall Sign
Scoreboard Sponsor
$15,000/yr over 5 years
- Sponsor logo displayed prominently on scoreboard
Batting Cage Sponsor
$12,000/yr over 5 years
- Sponsor banner displayed prominently on batting cage
All young athletes should have the opportunity to pursue their passions, regardless of their financial circumstances.